During the EUSTORY workshop “eCommemoration lab,” young Europeans taught each other about histories of the Second World War and new ways for digital commemoration. The central idea of the workshop was to deal with histories that touch personal experiences of the war across Europe. While discussing digital formats and modes of expression, they learned about stories that remain still untold.
Some of the individual projects realized during the workshop had particular personal approaches to commemorating the Second World War, often reflecting family history. But, the workshop was shaped by a variety of topics and digital forms of writing and remembering history. The heterogeneity of the projects and topoi were collected through the different digital collages you find in the projects section of this website.
Students' Projects
By Mariana, Anastasiia & Natalia
Social Media Project "(Re)imagine History: History on Instagram"
By Mattis
Annamarie: "Ich wollte sterben" / "I wanted to die"
It is about the mother Annamarie Müller and her three children trying to kill themselves. You look at an abstract picture of Annamarie’s feelings. The Russians drove her into desperation. Stories like these are hidden because the Russians and the other winners never admit any misstakes of their soldiers. People who suffered could not do anything because nobody would help them. There was no possibility of real justice
#silentsstories #abstractart #kriegserlebnisse #Flucht #ostgebiete #vertriebene
By Bror Alwin
Photo Project "Children of the hated"
This work is about commemorating the war children with German heritage. The pictures are of my grandfather, a war child with a German soldier as father and a Norwegian mother. The images have been edited digitally together with current family photos. The way these war children were systematically discriminated has been a silent and taboo subject for a long time, and through this I want to bring focus to the war children with German connections. In these images I try to show that many lives today originate from these children’s struggle in the past. I also try to show the importance of the few people who stood up for these discriminated children, as many lives today may not have been if they didn’t.
#silentstories #warchildren #krigsbarn #germanwarchildren #WW2 #thewar #norskekrigsbarn #taboo #wwii #germany #secondworldwar #norway #ww2history #postwwii #warhistory #warphotography
By Hallel
Poem "Part of the big picture"
כשאתה ילד, תקרא את אנה פרנק
ותחווה כמה סיוטים על אנשים בשחור לבן
ואולי תראה כמה שידורים חוזרים מיום השואהכשאתה מתבגר, תלמד על גטו ורשה
על הגבורה, לוחמי הגטאות,
כמה הם היו חזקים, עוצמתיים, לוחמיםבתיכון, תיסע לפולין, תעבור “מסע”
שמטרותו הייתה, אם לומר את האמת,
להצטלם באושוויץ עם דגל כחול לבןמחנך יהיה יאנוש קורצאק
למרות שהיו עוד כמה נהדרים
נגיד, פרדי הירש
טוב, הוא היה גיי, כך שאפילו בשאר העולם לא מדברים עליהםאתה תמיד תזכור שאושוויץ הוא הגיהנום הבלעדי,
אייכמן הוא השטן – אותו הרי, שפטנו
חסיד אומות עולם הוא, כמובן, שינדלר
ותודה לסטיבן ספילברגזה קצת חבל
היו עוד הרבה “מצילי יהודים”
אבל אם המצילים היו יהודים בעצמם,
לדוגמה, וילפרד ישראל או קסטנר,
נשכח מהם
אייכמן אכן היה שטן
הוא פשוט לא היה היחיד,
ממש לא היחיד
וכנ”ל אושוויץ
כנראה שלמרד יש כמה משמעויות
לדעתי, אנשי גטו לודג’ הם גיבורים
גיבורים כפי שלוחמי הגיטאות היו
ואולי כדאי שנלמד את את ילדנו ובני הנוער,
בעקבות השואה,
איך להיות אדם יותר מוסרי,
יותר טוב
מה שאני מנסה להגיד,
זיכרון השואה בישראל מאוגד בנרטיב
אשר מורכב מאמת
אך גם הוא, לוקה בחסר
ובשביל להשלים אותו,
אני צריכה את נקודת מבטכם
By Elma
Video "d. rizanovsky"
a short video telling a story of Elma’s grandfather and his life in Yugoslavia during the Cold war.
his’ is a silent story because people don’t expect history that is not sad and without cruelty. his granddaughter is happy that he was living in a place that wasn’t so bad.
By Maria
Diary Project "Bunnies in the Bunker"
By Henry Burchards
Sound Project "Edith: Stories untold in sounds"

Red Flags
Henry Burchards

Empty Moving Shapes
Henry Burchards

Nights Spent Floating
Henry Burchards
By Hallel & Agniesza
More than Clothes
fashion 1920-1950
We created an animation, leading the audience through fashion ever since 1920s until 1950s, focusing on dreadful time of the 2WW. The idea is to show the differences implemented in fashion industry due to the war and how women supported soldiers by including masculine elements in their everyday’s fashion.
The silence can be found in the difference between female and male roles and responsibilities during the war. Wives, mothers, daughters, silently supporting their loved ones on daily basis, maybe even finding comfort in looking alive these dangerous times.
#historicalfashion #fashion #animation # 1920 #1930 #1940 #1950 #2WW #silentstories #creativethinking #fashionindustry

This workshop was a part of the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit 2019 from 15 to 19 October 2019 in Berlin.
About the Workshop
Workshop Product
Digital Creation
Workshop Moderators
Daniel Palm, Georg Layr