From skills to stories: 120 young Europeans from almost 30 countries came together in Berlin – this is a recipe for gripping stories about intense encounters, surprising moments and exciting, personal family histories the participants bring with them from different parts of Europe.
We as the Summit Reporters’ Team shared insights of the Summit on our blog: What happened behind the scenes, what was on the participants’ minds and which anecdote has the potential for becoming gripping news?
We experimented with new technologies and made use of multimedia features to pimp up their stories. Access to different presentation techniques encouraged the participants to make use of their full creative potential: they played with still and moving images, mixed it with sound and text in order to tell a story in a nonlinear, interactive way.
We worked closely together with the EUSTORY History Campus Editors’ Group as well as with different professionals who helped to report straight from the Summit.
Our Personal "Wind of Change"
In the course of the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit “change” was mostly discussed as political change. While conducting interviews with Summit participants from several countries, we found out that “change” has an individual meaning to each of them: From meeting new friends to accepting homosexual love or learning about and becoming active for the future of your country. Enjoy reading!
Animation "Where would you like to have been during transitional events?"
Live Blog
Photos: © Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
This workshop was a part of the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit 2019 from 15 to 19 October 2019 in Berlin.
About the Workshop
With the support of Gregor Christiansmeyer and Milena Tatalovic (both Coordinating Editors of the EUSTORY History Campus), Clemens Schöll (Journalistic Advisor EUSTORY History Campus) and Vera Marie Rodewald (jaf Hamburg)