Here you can find reports from EUSTORY History Camps and other activities by young Europeans.
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1 Comment
Evel Masten Economakis
Dear Eustory,
What a fantastic idea you had to start this blog. I thought you may be interested in a new approach to the history book I’ve developed, one that lets all sides speak.
After years of frustration with the declining interest students show for the typical history book (I have taught history at the college and high school levels in North America, Europe and Russia), I decided to try and remedy this situation by writing three books on German history using the pen name “Kurt E. Breitner”. My aim was to disseminate information to the non-specialist (student and non-) in a manner that was as easy, pleasant and digestible as possible.
I realize you are very busy, but if at all possible I would love your opinion of my work. You can get a general idea of how these history books differ by examining this link:
or by looking at the first few pages in their Amazon previews at
If interested, I would be happy to send you one or more of these books as pdf files.
Sincerely Yours,
Evel Masten Economakis
(Ph.D. Columbia University, 1994)