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War in Ukraine

Russia’s attack on Ukraine marks a historical turning point for Europe. But for young Ukrainians, war has become a constant companion long before 2022 already.

Are you Really Lucky?

Sewing and knitting are among Sofie's passions. When getting to know Myroslav and Bodil, she decided to turn their shared fate of suffering under war into sweaters out of wool.

Two girls in front of a red brick building

Graduating High School – in Times of War

Even in peaceful times, graduating high school and starting a new chapter in life can be a stressful experience. But how does it feel to graduate when your country is at war? This is what our author Marlene asked her Ukr... (more)

Memorial of Independence in Kyiv, Ukraine

Life and Hope in the Age of Crisis – Experiences of 4 Young Ukrainians

The recent past in the Ukraine was marked by several crises, interrupted by short periods of well-being. Taras Oleksyn presents four Ukrainians who experienced war, flight and the pandemic and who talk about how they sur... (more)

A New Meaning to an Old Book

I was twelve years old. And I clearly remember the MI-24 combat attack helicopter flying over our garden, which for me signified the beginning of the conflict, or the shooting from our railway station.

Travelling Nowhere

Olexandr grew up in Sverdlovsk, a small mining town close to the Russian border. When war reached his hometown on June 20, 2014, Olexandr's entire life changed.

Where Were You When… the War in Ukraine Began in 2014?

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is back on the international agenda.On a political level, we can trace all the steps in the series of armed confrontations. But how do young people experience these times? We talke... (more)

Euromaidan in 2013. (Photo: CC/Evgerny Feldman)