Home » Stereotypes


A map of Europe filled with stereotyped attributes for each country.

The Geography of Stereotypes

What truths lie behind national stereotypes, and why are they so persistent? Marlene from Germany puts them to the test - with the help of young Europeans.

Polish-Czech Relations: Stereotypes, Mistrust and Misunderstandings put Into Practice

The conflicts between Poles and Czechs are numerous, but in the name of learning from the past Anna from Finland asked Polish historian Michal Przeperski if there is something to learn from this quarrelsome history. In h... (more)

Rallying for the Reconquista – Incognito Among the Identitarians

After a long camapaign the Austrian Voters finally elected Alexander von der Bellen as the new president. The candidate of the far-right party FPĂ–, Norbert Hofer, got more than 46 percent of the vote. With this, the FPĂ–,... (more)